PACCT Community Leadership Series
Developing your leadership potential in the community.
This valuable program offers participants an opportunity to grow personally, professionally and as a community member. Every leader plays a significant role in making a community the best it can be. This program will show how personal leadership can impact the future of our entire community.
8:45 am - 3:00 pm
Crystal Cabinet Works Training Facility (1st Street location)
2024-2025 Program Dates and Subjects
(Hover over each photo for more information and scroll to bottom for pricing and application)

We'll begin the day with an introduction to the series, take part in an icebreaker or two and then hear from a speaker who will help you Discover your Genius.
September 19
It's All About You!
We will begin the day by hearing from a panel of Princeton leaders who helped make Princeton what it is today. Then we'll take a walking tour of Princeton and hear from the Mille Lacs County Historical Society.
October 17
History of Princeton

Meet our local nonprofits! Learn what they bring to our community and how you can volunteer your time and talents. We'll be visiting a couple nonprofits and volunteering our time with them. In giving, you gain.
November 21

Learn how our local government works by working through different scenarios involving county government, city government and what it means to serve on a government council/board.
December 19
Local Government
We will start the day with a healthy breakfast and set our intentions for the day. We will then hear from a panel of Health and Human Services professionals, followed by some tips from nutrition and exercise experts and advice on how to stay healthy at the workplace. After a healthy lunch, we'll get in some exercise to end the day.
January 16
Healthcare/Human Services

We will start the day with a behind-the-scenes tour and presentation by one of our local businesses and follow that with a discussion about the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace. A small business panel of local professionals will be followed by a visit with local high school students to help them see what great businesses are in our community!
February 20
Princeton Businesses

We will hear from a panel of educators, including Princeton Community Education and Princeton High School. We'll pay a visit to The Tattooed Lady to learn about the art created at her business and end the day learning more about Princeton Public Schools. Go Tigers!
March 20​

We will hear from a variety of people and business owners who made contributions to the agriculture industry in our community. We'll end our day by touring a large farm in our area.
April 17

We'll begin by celebrating the series with a graduation ceremony. From there, we'll head out and have some fun!
May 15
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Sponsor: $500 (5 available)
Logo and business name on cover of program binder and on program webpage. Opportunity to highlight your business by speaking to the group or have your business highlighted as part of the program.
Silver Sponsor: $250 (10 available)
Logo and business name on cover of program binder and on program webpage.
Bronze Sponsor: $100 (unlimited)
Business name listed on page in program binder.
Please contact Kim at the Chamber office if you are interested in sponsoring this program.