Member Information
Business/Nonprofit/Volunteer of the Year
2023 Business of the Year
Hansen Power & Lighting
2023 Nonprofit of the Year
Age-Friendly Princeton
2023 Volunteer of the Year
Randy Hatch
Past Winners
Business of the Year
2022: Plastic Products Co, Inc.
2021: Beyond Sport Fitness
2020: Marv's True Value
2019: ABRA Auto Body & Glass
2018: Sterling Pointe Senior Living
2017: Pizza Barn
Past Winners
Nonprofit of the Year
2022: Twice New Clothing & Treasures
2021: Princeton American Legion
2020: Friends of Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
2019: Princeton Public Schools
2018: ACT on Alzheimers
2017: Princeton Lion's Club
Past Winners
Volunteer(s) of the Year
2022: Mary E. Anderson, Mailbox Kindness
2021: Faith Goenner, Goenner Consulting & Andrea Gerrard, Small Business Casual
2020: Carrie Vesel, ABRA Auto Body & Glass
2019: First Bank & Trust
Nominate the 2024 Business/Nonprofit of the Year
You may nominate your own business or another business. Please note that once a business is nominated, they will be required to complete a Business Overview to continue the award process. The Business Overview allows the business to tell its own story and successes highlighting each of the criteria listed below. Once a nominee accepts the nomination, the form for the Business Overview will be sent to the nominated business.
Previous winners must wait three (3) years before eligibility is restored.
Business of the Year Criteria
Nominee must be a member in good standing with the Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce (see Directory for list of current members).
Nominee must have been in business for at least 3 years.
Nominee must have demonstrated one or more of the following characteristics:
Provides exemplary customer service
Encourages and provides professional development of staff.
Volunteers in the Princeton community
Nonprofit of the Year Criteria
Nominee must be an active 501(c)3 or nonprofit organization.
Nominee must be a member in good standing with the Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce (see Directory for list of current members).
Nominee must have been in operation for at least three years.
Nominee must have shown exemplary support to the Princeton area.
Nominee must have demonstrated the following:
Outstanding contributions to the community
Must have shown the impact, supporting the needs of the organization’s work.
Must have shown organizational excellence and responsibility to stakeholders.
Mission statement of the nonprofit organization must be provided.