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Full package: $200
-One spot at the Job Fair on April 6 (must provide own table/chairs)
-20-30 second commercial to played during Facebook LIVE stream, posted on the chamber's YouTube channel and shared twice on the chamber's Facebook page.
-Facebook LIVE from your business on April 5 or April 7
-Listed on the QR Code Scavenger Hunt on April 5 or April 7

Ala Carte prices:
-Job Fair: $75 (must provide own table/chairs)
-20-30 second commercial to be played during Facebook LIVE stream, posted on the chamber's YouTube channel and shared twice on the chamber's Facebook page: $100
-Facebook LIVE from your business on April 5 or April 7 (includes listing on QR Code Scavenger Hunt): $50


Deadline to Register: March 14

FAQs for Employers

How many businesses are allowed? Due to space, we can only allow the first 20 businesses to register.

I am a business registered for the Job Fair. How do I prepare? Be interactive! That might be as simple as coming out from behind the table. Consider having some hands-on activities related to the job for job seekers to try. 

I am a business looking to hire high school students. How can I attract potential employees? Do you already have excellent teenage employees working for you? Recruit them to work your booth at the Job Fair. Seeing other teenagers at your booth might make potential job seekers feel more comfortable approaching your booth.

I currently don't have openings at my business. Is this job fair for me? Yes! It will give exposure to your company and the employment opportunities there.

How do I get registered? Easy! Just CLICK HERE


FAQs for Job Seekers


What will it look like? The chamber will have a table near the entrance to greet you. You'll be able to register for door prizes and then you can make your way around to the booths.

What do I do at a job fair? You will have the chance to learn about possible career opportunities from different employers in our area. Some will offer interview opportunities at the job fair. 

I am a high school student looking for a part time job. Will there be anything there for me? Yes! Not only can you learn about potential future career opportunities, but you'll be able to learn about some part time positions that you can start right away.

I am not looking for a job right now. Is this for me? Yes! Whether you're working in Princeton or commuting outside of the city, this is an opportunity to see what employment opportunities are right here in Princeton.

Do I need a resume to attend? No. If you have one, it's a good idea to bring it, but it is not required.

I am not able to attend the job fair. How can I get in touch with employers who attended? Email the chamber at for that information. In addition, be sure to follow the PACC Job Postings Facebook page for updated information on job opportunities. 

Expo Committee: Carrie Vesel (ABRA Auto Body & Glass), Andrea Gerrard (Small Business Casual), Nicholas Taylor (Small Business Casual), Martha Ahlschlager (Sterling Pointe Senior Living), Kim Young (PACC)

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